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Of course I understand how you feel, you big jerk. You think I want to break up the team? But look at things from my side, will you, Bowie? First, I've got Max and Miriya riding my tail about shipping back on the fortress, and now I find out that Rem's going along for the ride. I can't handle it just yet, that's the long and short. I look at him, and I see Zor Prime. Ask yourself what it would have been like if Musica had died instead of Octavia-god forbid. I mean, how could you look at her without thinking about Musica? So maybe Haydon IV's going to work out for me. Maybe I'll even get to know Aurora a little bettor. Anyway, from what I hear, at least it'll be a change for the quiet.
Dana Sterling in a letter to Bowie Grant, quoted in Altaira Heimel, Butterflies in Winter. Human Relations and the Robotech Wars
我 当然知道你在想什么,大蠢蛋。你认为我打算拆散小组?看看我这里的情况吧,想吗,鲍伊?首先,我让麦克斯和玛丽亚跟着我回到了堡垒中,现在我却发现雷也在 那里。我目前还不能处理好这种事情,那也许需要很长的一段时间,也许很短。我看着他的时候就仿佛看到了佐尔•普利姆。你扪心自问,如果是缪西卡尔不是奥克 塔维亚(上帝原谅我这么说)死去了,你会怎么感觉。我是指,当你看着奥克塔维亚的时候能够不会想起缪西卡吗?所以,海顿4号对我来说也许是个好的归宿。也 许我能够更多的了解奥罗拉。不管怎样,从我知道的情况判断,那里至少可以让我冷静冷静。

Dana Sterling tightened her grip on the balcony railing and launched phrases of gratitude into Haydon IV's amber skies. In the plaza twenty, stories below her, pedestrians were scurrying for cover as Glike rumbled and shook. Like bare trees caught in the hurricaning mass of a storm front, the city's tapering glasslike spires swayed and snapped, falling in a prismatic rain of deadly gems. Skyways danced loose their walls and roofs of transparent sheathing and sent them crashing to heaving, buckling streets and garden-lined thoroughfares. Onion domes and entablatures fissured; ornate facades and friezes peeled away from buildings and archways; water surged from canals and drained from lakes into the planetoid's ruptured seams.
戴娜•斯特林紧握着阳台的扶手,仰望着海顿4号琥珀色的天空抒发着自 己的感激之情。在她身下20层楼的广场上,格莱克(Glike)城发出隆隆的摇晃声,而路上的行人们则匆匆忙忙的躲进掩体中。这个城市中不断减少的玻璃状 尖塔如同飓风中被刮起来的树木一般,开始摇晃断裂并坍塌在死亡宝石的彩虹色暴雨之中。空中航道的墙壁和透明天棚倒塌下来撞向弯曲起伏的街道和两边排列着花 园的道路。洋葱型的大圆顶和顶线盘(一种古罗马建筑方式)出现了裂缝;建筑和拱门华丽的表面和中楣一一剥落;河渠和湖泊中的水都被抽干流入了这颗小行星的 裂缝中。

"'Bout time there was action around the place!" Dana yelled to no one in particular.

She leapt back from the railing to flatten herself against the building's exterior wall as a plummeting guillotine blade of permaplas struck the balcony edge and splintered into hundreds of angry fragments. At the same time the entire city seemed to tilt radically to one side, the normally clear skies tainted with smoglike roilings of clouds. Where she could see the horizon, Glike's backdrop of photo-perfect mountains wavered, as though dazzled by atmospheric heat.

We're finally seeing Haydon IV's other face, Dana thought. She had heard all about the battle that had been fought there years before between the Sentinels and the Invid Regent, but that might as well have been a campfire tale. Glike had been fully rebuilt by the time she had arrived, and it had been nothing less than paradise since.

Hopelessly boring.

But something had finally happened to shake things up. It did not seem possible that Haydon IV could be subject to tectonic shifts, but who could tell? Well, Exedore maybe, or his free-floating good buddy Veidt. Some internal malfunction, then, some glitch in the unfathomable technology that kept the world turning. An actual invasion was too much to hope for-a chance to see for herself those well-concealed planetary defenses everyone talked about. The ones said to react to the mere suggestion of aggression, the ones that forced everyone on-world to hang up their hip howitzers when they rode into town.
但是最后还是有某种力量开始动摇 所有的事物。海顿4号并不像是在经历建筑性转换,但是谁又能说得清呢?当然了,也许艾克西多可以,也许他的亲密战友维特可以。某种内部的异常,这种深不可 测的技术的某个故障导致了世界的变化。这也不会是一场真正的外来入侵,否则戴娜就有机会亲自看到那些没有人都在谈论的经过精心隐藏的行星防卫系统。那些系 统用来对付任何可能的进攻,同时也迫使所有进入城市的人交出他们的武器。

But even if it turned out to be nothing more than a quake, it was certainly more excitement than she had seen since Exedore had burst into the Sterling's high-rise quarters three months ago, raving that the planetoid's so-called Awareness had gotten itself all fired up about something or other.

The collapse of a structure down below sent a swirling cloud of debris up the face of the building. Dana heard panicked cries in several offworld tongues.

"Dana!" her parents shouted from inside their living quarters.

She turned and passed through the balcony's field portal in a long-legged rush, blond hair in wild disarray. Her father was by the lift-tube door, a few obviously irreplaceable items clutched to his chest. Her mother had Aurora, Dana's eight-year-old sister, by the wrist. Dark-eyed and otherworldly, she was nearly five feet tall already and a regular pain in the ass. It was hard for Dana to believe they had had the same father, but that was a thought she kept to herself. Veidt claimed that Aurora's rapid development and psychic gifts had come about as the result of Miriya's experiences on Garuda, but Dana ventured that it had more to do with something the Haydonites were putting in the food.
她转过身,披头散发的冲出阳台的入口。她的父亲站在升降通道的门前,胸前显然挂着一些必需的 物品。她的母亲用手腕抱着她那8岁的妹妹,奥罗拉。她有一双深色的眼睛,而且身高已经快5英尺了,是个不折不扣的小讨厌鬼。戴娜很难相信她们是同胞姐妹, 但是这也只是她内心的一个秘密。维特认为奥罗拉快速的成长和心灵天赋来自于米利亚在嘎鲁达星上面的那些经历,但是戴娜认为更多的是因为海顿人在食物中添加 了某种东西。

Aurora was not calling Dana's name. The child spoke so infrequently that when she did, everyone stopped to listen. But even though she was mouse-quiet, one always knew when she was around.

"Hurry, Dana!" Miriya said, joining her husband at the lift. She, too, had a few things in hand. Dana glanced around the room and quickly decided that there was nothing she needed to keep.

Let it all come down, she thought.

Llan and Anad, their two Haydonite advocates, were already in the tube. It was the only place planetside where everyone got to hover together, except on the city's Arabianlike flying carpets. Dana often wondered just whose bright idea those things had been. Some planet-hopping culture hero named Haydon was credited with building the world; Dana had him figured for some kind of kidder.
他们的那两位海顿朋友兰(Llan)和阿纳德(Anad)已 经进入了升降管道。除了这座城市那种阿拉伯式的飞毯,这里是每个人唯一能够一起漂浮的地方。戴娜经常想知道这究竟是谁的好主意。据说一位星球传说中的英 雄,海顿,建造了整个海顿世界;戴娜把他想象成某种基德尔(kidder)。

The tube field was as calm as the eye of a storm.

"What do you think, Max," she said excitedly, "an attack?" She rarely called him "Dad." Somehow it didn't feel right to her after their thirteen-year separation. Not that she didn't love him and Miriya both; it was simply that they had changed so much.

"I hope not, Dana," Max told her, adjusting his glasses so that they sat where they were supposed to. "For the sake of whoever'd be foolish enough to try."

So gentle-voiced, Dana thought. It was a continual source of amazement, especially when she tried to picture her parents mixing it up inside the SDF-1 with knives or battle mecha. And Max-cripes! Max had been gobbling Malcontents for breakfast when Dana was a toddler!
真是文雅啊,戴娜 想。在这件事情上面,戴娜总是充满的好奇,特别是她试图去想象她的父母在SDF-1上面用刺刀和战斗机甲进行决斗的场面。麦克斯驾驶蓝色的战机(crip 代表美国著名的黑帮之一,另一个叫blood,crip的成员都穿蓝色的衣服,而blood成员穿红色的)!当戴娜还是学步的小孩的时候,麦克斯又一次曾 经对早饭大发牢骚!

"Upon exiting the lift tube, you must proceed across the plaza and descend the elevators to level four," Llan sent, as if he were giving orders all of a sudden. But only Dana seemed disturbed by the tone.

"Level four, my ass, Llan. I think we better shuttle up to one of the trade ships. I'd rather ride this out up there瓀whatever this is. Wouldn't you, Max? Miriya?" Dana noticed that Aurora was giving her one of those funny looks.

"No, Dana," Miriya answered. "I think it's best that we follow Llan's advice for the time being."

"Your mother is correct," Llan sent with emphasis. Dana folded her arms across the sequined bib of her jumpsuit and faced off with the taller of the two Haydonites. "Yeah? Then tell us what's going on."

"A slight readjustment," Anad answered. "Slight?"

"We are arrived," Llan interrupted as the tube field opened onto the plaza.

Things were even worse close up, Dana realized. On the far side of the plaza, the entire colonnade of a Tiresian-style commercial hall had crumbled, burying dozens of Karbarran traders and visitors under tons of debris. The ursinoid beings, who had been enjoying great prosperity among the Local Group worlds since the fall of the Regent, constituted the majority of Haydon IV's alien population, but Dana could see quite a few injured Praxians emerging from the ruined building. Elsewhere, a couple of dazed Spherisians were wandering aimlessly through the pandemonium. The Haydonites themselves, however, were unhurt; it was as though they had known beforehand which areas to avoid.
情况越来越糟糕了,戴娜意识 到。广场的另一边,整个的泰雷西亚式商业大厅的柱廊已经完全碎裂坍塌了,成吨的废墟下面掩埋着好几十个卡巴拉商人和访客。虽然当雷金特灭亡后,卡巴拉人构 成了海顿4号外来人口的主体,并大量的享受了当地的繁荣,但是戴娜只看见一些受伤的普拉西斯人从倒塌的建筑中爬出来。在其他的一些地方,一群茫然的史菲利 思人毫无目的的在混乱的现场游荡。而海顿人却毫发无伤,他们似乎预先知道哪里是安全的。

"Move quickly and orderly if you wish to avoid injury," Llan sent to the Sterlings, attempting to hurry them along by hovering at their backs a yard off the plaza's adamantine smooth surface.

"They need help," Dana said, indicating a small group of Karbarrans who, heedless of the dangers overhead, were attempting to dig out their trapped companions.

"Move!" Anad sent sharply in response.

Max could not fail to notice the change in Anad and Llan and was about to protest, when a series of blindingly blue energy bolts tore up into the sky from the outlying sectors of the city. From somewhere deep outside Glike's obscuring haze came scattered reports of explosive light that reached the surface like heated thunder.

"It is an invasion!" Dana exclaimed.

But even as she said it, she noted something inexplicable going on around her: Individual Haydonites had begun to employ some sort of energy weapon to herd the plaza's off worlders toward the subwaylike entrances to the city's subsurface maze of transport corridors and multilevel shelters. On closer inspection, Dana saw that the light-prods were emanating from the Haydonites' foreheads, from the cabochonlike organs centered there, which Veidt had once called dzentile. The English term that came closest was governor, but Dana suddenly understood that those regulators could be made to serve a double-edged function.
但是即便她这样说,她看到身边令人费解的事情:每个海顿人都开始使用某种能量武器将广场上的外来人 赶到通向城市地表那些迷宫般的交通回廊以及多层隐蔽所的类似于地铁的入口。仔细观察后,戴娜发现那些光柱是从海顿人前额中央那个类似于宝石地器官发出的, 维特一度称之为主眼(dzentile)。这是一个接近英文主管的词汇,但是戴娜突然明白了那些主眼能够用于一种双轫功能。

She took a quick head count, calculating just how many Haydonites she would have to take down to clear a path out of the plaza. Beginning with Llan, who was still hovering at her back, although he had yet to demonstrate any light-prod capability. Answering to Anad's telepathic insistence, Max, Miriya, and Aurora were already halfway across the square.

"Move!" Llan sent with sufficient force to make Dana's eyes cross.

Oh, you're gonna get yours, she promised herself, mentally forging her spin kick. But no sooner had she commenced her turn than Max grabbed her around the shoulders and swung her off her feet. "Dana, we don't have a chance," he told her.

Dana watched a nascent glow center itself above Llan's expressionless visage. "Well, we certainly don't now," she said, shrugging out of Max's restraining hold.

Llan and Anad were more vigilant after that, making certain to keep the entire family between them for the rest of the dash across the plaza, relaxing their guard only after the Sterlings were well inside the accessway, dwarfed by several dozen Karbarrans who had been funneled in from the collapsed commercial center.

"That was a foolish thing to do," Max said in a lecturing tone, loud enough to be heard above the ursinoids' unnerving growls and grumblings.

"Maybe it was," Dana conceded, "but I don't like it when somebody says they're concerned for my safety and then aims a weapon at me."

The incident only pointed up the differences between them. Dana had had reservations about returning to Haydon IV with her parents as early as those first few weeks in Tiresia, but it had meant so much to them that she get to know Aurora and give peace a chance. And then, when she had learned that Rem had assigned himself to the SDF-3, she saw no alternative but to give Haydon IV a try. Oh, she supposed she could have signed aboard the Ark Angel or any one of the ships of the fleet, but she saw little purpose to it.
这件事情仅仅揭开了他们之间的差异。早在泰雷西亚的前几周,戴娜就决定要与 她的父母一起返回海顿4号,但是对她的父母而言更多的是意味着她要去了解奥罗拉并希望不再发生冲突了。那个时候,她已经知道雷要随着SDF-3出发,所以 除了回到海顿4号她没有别的可以改变。哦,她真希望自己参加大天使号,或者任何一艘舰队的飞船,但是那样做显然没有什么目的性。

It had come as quite a shock to find yet another Zor-clone waiting on Tirol after she had just finished her brief go-round with one on Earth. Rem and Zor Prime were more like twins separated at birth than clones, but there were enough underlying similarities to make her feel as though she were dealing with the same person. She thought the original Zor must have been one mixed-up character, another trickster in a galaxy full of them.
当她结束了自己与佐尔的一个克隆体在地球上的短暂的遭遇后来到泰洛的时候,却非常震惊的发现了另外一个 佐尔的克隆体。雷和佐尔•普莱姆更像是一对孪生兄弟而不是克隆人,但是他们如此之多的相似之处却让戴娜感觉到是与同一个人相处。她想原本的佐尔应该是他们 两个人的组合,另外一个银河系中的骗子。

She still couldn't explain just what it was about the slender, elfin-featured clones that drew her to them. But it seemed obvious that the attraction arose from the Zentraedi, biogenetically engineered side of her personality.

Those thoughts were with her for the duration of the short descent to Llan's "level four," where, she imagined, luxuriously appointed shelters awaited them. She had even begun to feel guilty about her perhaps misguided outburst in the plaza and was about to apologize to Max, when from up ahead in the corridor-the recycled air thick with the musky smell of Karbarran fur and fear-came cries of protest in trader's tongue.

"You limbless mechanoids!" one Karbarran yelled. "May Haydon curse the lot of you!"

Dana went up on tiptoe in an attempt to discern what all the commotion was about, but all she could see was the backs of massive shoulders and knob-horned heads. It was not until the group reached the terminus of the corridor, where it opened into a vast, domed chamber lit by an unseen source, that she glimpsed the reason for the Karbarrans' distress: A police force of black-cloaked Haydonites a meter taller than the norm were using their enabled light-prods to segregate the confused crowd into planetary types, shepherding each into separate rooms similar to ones Dana knew had been used by the Invid Regis to contain the Sisters of the Praxian diaspora.
戴娜踮着脚尖走过去试图弄清楚是什么引发了这次骚 乱,但是她指能够看到那些宽大肩膀和留有圆形犄角的脑袋的背影。直到人群到达了走廊尽头看到一个巨大圆顶有着不知名光亮的大厅的时候,她突然明白了卡巴拉 人不高兴的原因了:一队身着黑袍的海顿警察(他们比一般的海顿人要高出一米左右)正用他们刚刚拿到的光棒把困惑的人们隔离到这颗行星上面专用来禁锢人的各 个隔离的房间中,这样的房间也使黛娜想起了因维人雷吉斯曾经用于软禁普拉西斯女王姐妹的那种屋子。

"Comport yourselves in a manner befitting the intelligence of your race and no harm will come to you," the police line sent to everyone in frightening telepathic discord. "Your nutritional and medical needs will be attended to. Haydon IV will strive to make you as comfortable as possible in your containment."

"Imprisonment, I'd say," said an all-too-familiar voice off to the left of the Sterling family. Dana caught sight of Exedore peeking out from behind the high-collared cloak of one of the hovering jailers.

"Yes," he added, folding his arms and glancing around. "I suggest that we consider ourselves under arrest."

As expected, their individual cells were splendidly designed affairs with all the necessary conveniences and furnishings, all the more sinister in their homeyness. Exedore and the Sterlings found themselves lodged with the four Praxians whose very size dictated that they be given the largest of the four rooms. Their section of the jail was flanked by Karbarran and Spherisian quarters but was effectively sealed off from them, with access to the central portion of the domed chamber barred by laser fence. Thoughts of escape were not only difficult to entertain but periodically discouraged by squads of the now obsequious jailers who glided through sweeps of the area.
可以预见到的是,用于拘禁他们每一个人的那些小 房间都有着很好的设计,里面有必需的设施和家具,但却限制了他们的自由。艾克西多和斯特林一家,以及另外4个普拉西斯人被关在同一间房间里,从空间来判断 这是4个房间中最大的一间。他们旁边的房间是普拉西斯人和史菲利思人,但是彼此之间被很好的隔绝开来,所有通向中间圆顶大厅的通道都装上了激光栅栏。想要 逃走的想法很难实现,而且随着那些听命的狱卒不断进行的巡逻,逃走的可能性和信心越来越低。

Dana, however, had not yet given up on the idea and sat timing the patrols while Exedore filled everyone in on the details of his own arrest.

"One moment Veidt and I were interpreting the results of our latest calculations, and the next I was being hurried out of the data room by two of these black-cloaked fellows, with Veidt warning me to obey their every command."

"Our advocates acted the same way," Max said. "Turned on us without warning."

"Oh, I don't think it safe to assume they were acting at all," Exedore cautioned. "It's my belief that the Awareness sent a command to each and every Haydonite-a telepathic stirring, if you will, analogous to that which prompted the planet to reorient itself in space."

"Then we are . . . moving?" Miriya asked.

Exedore nodded. "Most definitely moving."

"But we saw a salvo of energy bolts, Exedore," Dana interjected. "The planet's probably moving because it's under attack."

Exedore shook his head. "There's been no attack, although what you witnessed was certainly defensive fire. It seems that the commander of one of the Karbarran cargo ships armed his weapons array when planetary realignment commenced. The Awareness registered this and responded as programmed. I'm afraid several ships were destroyed in the process. This much I was able to learn from Veidt."

"Then our lives are in danger," Miriya said, hugging Aurora to her.

"No, child. Haydon IV is not only abandoning its orbit around this system's primary but shedding its atmosphere as it accelerates. That's precisely why we've all been brought down here.

"For all this sudden militant posturing, they do seem to have our safety in mind. Haydon knows they require no true atmosphere for themselves, nor any need of Glike, for that matter." The Zentraedi snorted. "A surface paradise, indeed, for that's all that it was-a veneer, to borrow a Terran word.

"It only confirms what I've been saying all along: that Haydon IV is not a planet transformed by ultratech wonders but a ship. Its very name suggests as much. Haydon IV, and yet it occupies the third place in the Briz'dziki system. " Exedore adopted a puzzled frown. "No. It has come to be known as Haydon IV because it was Haydon's fourth."
“这仅仅证实了我一直在 说的:海顿4号并不是那些拥有超技术的先知设计的一个行星,而是一艘飞船。它的名字也说明了这一点。海顿4号占据着不利兹•兹奇(Briz’dziki) 系统的第3个位置。”艾克西多迷惑的皱了皱眉。“不,现在我们知道海顿4号是因为它就是海顿的第4个。”

"Haydon's- fourth what?" Max wanted to know.

Exedore threw up his hands. "Any answer I give you would be pure speculation. Much as my guess as to exactly where it is that we're headed."

"We'll know when we get there, is that it?" Dana said. "Well put."

Max looked from Exedore to Dana and back again. "But what about these calculations of yours? You still think this has something to do with the SDF-3?"

"I'm certain of it," Exedore affirmed. "And with the Invid departure as well. A pulse of novel energy has been sent into the known universe. Our calculations prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the focus of this outpouring is the dead star we Zentraedi know as Ranaath's."

Miriya sucked in her breath. "Exedore!"

"Yes, Miriya, I'm afraid so. But there's more: This pulse has also caused subtle but potentially dangerous quantum and gravitational shifts throughout the continuum. All standard measurements seem to have been infinitesimally affected." "Meaning what?" Max said.

"Meaning that something unprecedented has occurred, Max. It's as though everything is suddenly drawing closer and closer together."

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